Introduction"Dynasty Warriors 7" is a popular action game with a large selection of playable characters. One of the most popular and feared characters in the game is Lu Bu. In this article, we will be analyzing Lu Bu's strengths, weaknesses

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《真三国无双7猛将传》全武将用法及强度解析 吕布怎么用

Lv Bu's strengths

Lu Bu's greatest strength is his immense power. He has the highest attack power of any character in the game, and his strength is further enhanced through his unique "Mighty Strike" attack which deals extra damage and knocks back enemies. Additionally, he has a high endurance and can take more damage than other characters. His moveset is also very versatile, with a combination of quick strikes and powerful, slow attacks that can easily clear out crowds of enemies.

Lv Bu's weaknesses

Despite his strengths, Lu Bu does have some notable weaknesses. His attack animations are slow compared to other characters, making him vulnerable to enemy counterattacks if he misses his initial strike. He also has poor blocking abilities, leaving him open to enemy attacks if he doesn't dodge or deflect in time. Finally, he has low speed and mobility, which makes it difficult for him to quickly move between checkpoints or chase down enemies who are retreating.

Lv Bu's unique mechanics

Lu Bu has a unique gameplay mechanic called "Musou Rage". When his Musou gauge is filled, he can enter a temporary state where his attack power is boosted even further and he can use powerful Musou attacks without depleting his Musou gauge. Additionally, his normal attacks will also have a chance to trigger a Musou counterattack which deals extra damage to enemies. This mechanic makes Lu Bu even more formidable and allows him to quickly turn the tide of battle if used correctly.


Lu Bu is a powerful and popular character in "Dynasty Warriors 7". His immense strength and versatile moveset make him a great addition to any player's toolkit. However, his slow attack animations and poor blocking abilities mean that players will need to use caution when playing him. Additionally, his Musou Rage mechanic adds an extra layer of planning and strategy to the already complex gameplay of "Dynasty Warriors 7".

Keywords: Lu Bu, Dynasty Warriors 7, gameplay mechanics.

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